Ocelová kamna na dřevo KRATKI ROLLO Vysoká 7 kW Ø 150
Steel wood stove ROLLO High
The stove is equipped with TERMOTEC storage material. It ensures efficient combustion and long-lasting heat retention, resulting in significant energy savings. The clean glass system keeps the glass clean, allowing you to enjoy the view of the fire without the need for frequent cleaning. In addition, the door closing mechanism ensures a tight and safe operation, making the ROLLO stove not only efficient but also easy to use. The ideal solution for those who appreciate both functionality and aesthetics.
- longer temperature maintenance due to lining the combustion chamber with the TERMOTEC accumulation material,
- intuitive adjustment of the air supply,
- perforated handle design for natural cooling,
- cast iron grate and easy access to the steel ash pan,
- clean glass system to keep the glass clean,
- heat-resistant glazing with a temperature resistance of up to 600°C,
- locking mechanism prevents the stove door from accidentally being left open,
- triple airing system of the combustion chamber contributes to the high efficiency of the combustion process,
- deflector to extend the flue gas path for optimal energy utilisation,
- air intake via an external spigot (can be connected from behind or underneath), diameter fi 100,
- the stove is coated with a specially designed paint blend that is highly resistant to scratches and has a uniform and smooth texture, the paint is resistant to high temperatures,
- top plate made of 5 mm thick steel,
- complies with ECODESIGN criteria and the strict German standard BlmschV II,
- designed for use in homes with recuperation,
- possibility to buy accumulation accessories (cast iron or concrete discs) or heat exchanger.
Also available for purchase as a related product after adding the stove to your basket
Technická data
Jmenovitý výkon (kW) | 7 |
Rozsah topného výkonu (kW) | 4 - 10 |
Účinnost vytápění (%) | 80 |
Teplota výfukových plynů (℃) | 269 |
Maximální délka kulatiny (cm) | 25 |
Barva | Černá |
Vlastní uzavření | Ano |
Materiál | Ocel |
Průměr výstupu spalin (mm) | 150 |
Průměr sání vzduchu (mm) | 100 |
Energetická třída | A |
Index energetické účinnosti (EEI) | 106 |
Účinnost sezónního vytápění (%) | 70 |
Tepelný výkon pro vytápění (kW) | 7 |
Emise CO (při 13% O 2) ≤ uvedené v% | 0.044 |
Emise CO (mg/m3) | 555 |
Emise prachu (mg / Nm3) | 19 |
Emise NOx (mg/m3) | 103 |
Emise OGC (mg/m3) | 63 |
Hmotnostní průtok výfukových plynů (g/s) | 6.2 |
Splňuje požadavky | Ekodesign |
Typ přední části | Ocelová přední strana s ohýbaným sklem |
Typ paliva | Ocenulé listnaté dřevo (vlhkost ≤ 20%) |
EAN | 5903751233442 |
Šířka (cm) | 52.6 |
Výška (cm) | 131.8 |
Hloubka (cm) | 40.2 |
Hodnocení zákazníků
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