Puissance nominale (kW) 7
Efficacité du chauffage (%) 80
Classe énergétique Energy card (UE) 2015/1186
Répond aux exigences
  • L'écoconception
  • Conçu pour la récupération
  • BImSchV 2
Poids (kg) 133
Couleur de la doublure Noir


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Steel wood stove ROLLO High

  • The high version of the ROLLO steel stove combines functionality and universal design, making it an attractive element in interior design. The ROLLO stove creates a cosy atmosphere in the home thanks to the possibility of freely watching the flames. It easily adapts to different interior styles, from modern to rustic. This flexibility allows the stove to be integrated into various design concepts.

    ROLLO meets the requirements of the ECO-design and the strict German BlmschV II standard. This is a guarantee of high efficiency, low emissions and a safe combustion process.

    The stove can be additionally equipped with accumulation accessories (cast iron or concrete discs) or a water cap. Dedicated products are available as related products for purchase after adding the stove to your shopping basket.

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The stove is equipped with TERMOTEC storage material. It ensures efficient combustion and long-lasting heat retention, resulting in significant energy savings. The clean glass system keeps the glass clean, allowing you to enjoy the view of the fire without the need for frequent cleaning. In addition, the door closing mechanism ensures a tight and safe operation, making the ROLLO stove not only efficient but also easy to use. The ideal solution for those who appreciate both functionality and aesthetics.

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- longer temperature maintenance due to lining the combustion chamber with the TERMOTEC accumulation material,
- intuitive adjustment of the air supply,
- perforated handle design for natural cooling,
- cast iron grate and easy access to the steel ash pan,
- clean glass system to keep the glass clean,
- heat-resistant glazing with a temperature resistance of up to 600°C,
- locking mechanism prevents the stove door from accidentally being left open,
- triple airing system of the combustion chamber contributes to the high efficiency of the combustion process,
- deflector to extend the flue gas path for optimal energy utilisation,
- air intake via an external spigot (can be connected from behind or underneath), diameter fi 100,
- the stove is coated with a specially designed paint blend that is highly resistant to scratches and has a uniform and smooth texture, the paint is resistant to high temperatures,
- top plate made of 5 mm thick steel,
- complies with ECODESIGN criteria and the strict German standard BlmschV II,
- designed for use in homes with recuperation,
- possibility to buy accumulation accessories (cast iron or concrete discs) or heat exchanger.


Also available for purchase as a related product after adding the stove to your basket

  • Cast iron accumulation discs 3 pcs.

    They make it possible to significantly reduce heat loss that would normally escape with the flue gases to the environment. Properly designed, they increase the contact surface with the flue gases, resulting in more efficient heat transfer.

    The use of discs not only contributes to the stove's thermal efficiency, but also allows heat to be stored, which can be gradually released into the environment up to 3 hours after the fire has gone out. This allows you to enjoy the heat for a longer period of time, which is particularly important on cold days.

    Installation directly on the flue stub. Easy installation of the flue pipes to the outlet spigot of the storage set.

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  • Concrete accumulation discs - 6 pcs. 3 layers

    The accumulation disks are made of concrete, which can absorb a large amount of heat due to its physical properties. While the stove is active and generating heat, the concrete discs heat up, storing thermal energy within them. At the end of the burning process, when the fire goes out, the accumulated heat is gradually released into the environment. The heat release time is approximately 3 hours after extinguishing.

    Easy installation on the stove body around the flue pipe. Heat recovery implemented directly from the stove body and flue pipe.

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  • Water exchanger

    The water exchanger is a state-of-the-art device designed to recover heat from the flue gases that would normally escape from your home through the chimney. This innovative solution allows the lost heat to be used to heat water, increasing the energy efficiency of your home without the need for additional fuel consumption. Recovered heat can be used to heat radiators or domestic water, making it an ideal alternative for those looking for ways to reduce energy bills.

    The water exchanger, made from 4mm thick steel, is designed for use in central heating systems. Its ability to operate in a closed system, with a maximum pressure of up to 2 bar, as well as in an open system, further increases its versatility and adaptability to different installation needs.

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Données générales
Puissance nominale (kW)7
Gamme de puissance de chauffage (kW)4 - 10
Efficacité du chauffage (%)80
Température des gaz d'échappement (℃)269
Longueur maximale des bûches (cm)25
fermeture automatiqueOui
Diamètre de sortie des fumées (mm)150
Diamètre d'entrée d'air (mm)100
Efficacité énergétique
Classe énergétiqueA
Indice d'efficacité énergétique (IEE)106
Rendement de chauffage saisonnier (%)70
Puissance thermique pour le chauffage des locaux (kW)7
Émissions de CO (à 13% O 2 ) ≤ en %0.044
Émissions de CO (mg/m3)555
Émissions de poussières (mg/Nm3)19
Émission de NOx (mg/m3)103
Émission d'OGC (mg/m3)63
Débit massique des gaz de combustion (g/s)6.2
Certifications / Conformité
Répond aux exigencesL'écoconception, Conçu pour la récupération, BImSchV 2
Informations complémentaires
Type de frontFaçade en acier avec verre plié sérigraphié
Type de carburantBois à feuilles caduques assaisonné (humidité ≤ 20%)
Paramètres physiques
Largeur (cm)52.6
Hauteur (cm)131.8
Profondeur (cm)40.2
Poids (kg)133

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