Baza za umetak MB, NB, VN i LUCY
Podnožje (nogice) omogućuje stabilnu i nesmetanu montažu kaminskog uloška iz linija MB, NB, VN i LUCY.
Zahvaljujući pet centimetara podesivim nožicama, možete sigurno postaviti kamin, čak i na površinu sa značajnim neravninama.
Komplet uključuje:
- NOGA KPL. (4 kom.)
- M10 vijak (4 kom)
- M10 matica (4 kom)
- Podloška (. 4 kom)
Pažnja! Noga za podešavanje visine nije uključena u set, potrebno ju je odvrnuti od kamina.
Maksimalna osnovna nosivost 290 kg.
Tehnički podaci
EAN | 5901350024454 |
širina (cm) | 8.9 |
Visina (cm) | 20 |
Dubina (cm) | 8.9 |
Waga | 4 |
Recenzije kupaca
Bartosz T.
Jakościowo solidny element
Damian B.
Jamstvo i povrati
A Customer being a Consumer, who has concluded the Sales Contract may rescind thereof within a period of 14 days without giving any reasons. The time limits run for the rescission of the Sales Contract shall commence at the time of acquiring the Goods by the Customer or a third party of their choice, other, however, than a carrier. The representations may be submitted in a form whose template has been published by the Seller at the Online Shop Website.