Katalógové číslo KOZA/K11/KONF
Moc nominalna (kW) 6
Sprawność cieplna (%) 76.9
Klasa energetyczna Energy card (UE) 2015/1186
  • Procedúry
  • Spĺňa kritériá ekologického projektu
  • Určený na zotavenie
  • Dodržiavanie s Bimschv 2
  • 7* Flamme Verte
Dostupnosť 1 day of implementation Średnia ilość : 21
Predpokladaný dátum dodania 09.10 - 10.10
Doprava od 72,69 €
Alebo zaplaťte priamo:
Už od 1 125,01 €
Cena vrátane DPH


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Wood-burning cast iron stove K11

  • The K11 stove is distinguished not only by its modern design, but also by its high wood-burning efficiency, making it an attractive and functional heating solution. Thanks to an innovative approach to design and the use of advanced technology, this stove not only blends perfectly with a variety of interior styles, but also offers efficient and economical heating.

    The K11 combines functionality with beauty, becoming an elegant interior design element.

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We are confident in the quality of our equipment.

By betting on our product, you ensure peace of mind, trouble-free use and satisfaction with your purchase.

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  • The K11 stove meets the requirements of the ECODESIGN, as well as the strict German BlmschV II standard.

    In addition, it has been designed to meet the strict Flamme Verte environmental standards, guaranteeing high efficiency, clean combustion and reduced emissions. So you can enjoy a cosy atmosphere in your home while minimising your impact on the environment.



External spigot Ø 125 located in the bottom plate


The triple air circulation contributes to the high efficiency of the combustion process.

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  • Primary air, which facilitates the firing of wood, is supplied under the grate.

    Secondary air is distributed to the rear wall of the combustion chamber. It ensures efficient combustion of the gases, reducing smoke and the emission of harmful substances into the environment.

    The air curtain is a secondary source of combustion air, the jet of which sweeps the glass, effectively removing soot particles and limiting their deposition on the glass.

    The hearth plate, in the form of a two-piece cast iron grate, helps to distribute air evenly over the entire base of the stove reducing the possibility of local overheating̨ of the surface,

  • Air curtain adjustment

    Air curtain adjustment

  • Two-piece grate

    Two-piece grate

  • Adjustment of air supply

    Adjustment of air supply

Control of the air supply is intuitive in the form of two separate dampers - one for primary air and one for secondary air. The movement of the sliding elements is smooth and quiet, ensuring user comfort.


  • The proven TERMOTEC solution

    The side sections of the combustion chamber of the K11 stove are equipped with TERMOTEC, a heat-accumulating material that increases the temperature in the firebox. This ensures more efficient combustion and longer heat retention.

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Allows the handle to be removed so that the handle remains cool enough to safely grasp and open or close the stove door.

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An ash pan in the form of a pull-out drawer makes cleaning easy and a hurdle prevents wood from falling out.

  • Ashtray


  • Hurdle


  • Handle



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  • Flexibility of connection

    The K11 stove can be installed with a top or rear connection. Connecting the stove from the top saves space, while connecting from the rear makes the pipes less visible, which can be beneficial for those who care for a minimalist look. The choice between top or rear connection depends on personal preference, installation conditions and the aesthetics of the room.

Technické údaje

Moc nominalna (kW)6
Zakres mocy grzewczej (kW)3-9
Sprawność cieplna (%)76.9
Temperatura spalin (oC)265
Max długość polan (cm)25
Doplnková výbavaŽiadny
Materiał wykonaniaLiatina
Średnica wylotu spalin150
Średnica dolotu125
Efektywność Energetyczna
Klasa energetycznaA
współczynnik EEI101.5
Sezonowa efektywnosc energetyczna (%)66.9
Moc cieplna do ogrzewania pomieszczeń (kW)6
Emisja CO (przy 13% O2) ≤ podawana w %0.096
Emisja CO (mg/m3)1208
Emisja pyłków (pył) (mg/Nm3)31
Emisja NOx (mg/Nm3)109
Emisja OGC (mg/Nm3)88
Strumień masy spalin (g/s)6.6
Certyfikaty / Zgodność
CertyfikatProcedúry, Spĺňa kritériá ekologického projektu, Určený na zotavenie, Dodržiavanie s Bimschv 2, 7* Flamme Verte
Informacje dodatkowe
WyposażenieAshpan, Načítanie spaľovacej komory, Prívod vzduchu
FrontFront żeliwny z szybą ceramiczną
Rodzaj paliwaSkurnované listnaté drevo (vlhkosť ≤ 20%)
Parametry fizyczne
Szerokość (cm)49.7
Wysokość (cm)64.5
Głębokość (cm)48.3

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