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  • BImSchV 2

Moduláris kandalló KRATKI NBC 500/500 Alacsony 8 kW Ø 200 Felemelhető szinter FOKOS GRAFITE

Cikkszám NBC/500/500/Q/KONF
Névleges teljesítmény (kW) 8
Heating efficiency (%) 83
Tanúsítványok / Megfelelés
  • Pro rácsok
  • Megfelel az Eco -projekció kritériumainak
  • Rekuperációra szánt
  • Bimschv 2 -nek való megfelelés
Lining color Fekete
Self Closure
2 817 785,00 Ft
Az ár tartalmazza az ÁFA-t

The NBC 500/500 modular fireplace with a ready-built structure based on a steel frame with quartz sinter panels is a modern solution for those who value elegance, functionality and simplicity of installation. Its minimalist design blends perfectly with a variety of interior styles, from classic to modern arrangements, adding a sophisticated touch.

The NBC 500/500 fireplace insert, equipped with a number of innovative solutions, ensures maximum energy utilization, effectively heating an area from 35 m² to even 100 m². The ready-made quartz sintered housing not only provides an elegant and modern look, but also exceptional durability and resistance to high temperatures. The steel frame guarantees stability and durability of the structure.

Our fireplace meets the strictest environmental criteria, including Ecodesign and the German BImSchV 2 standard, making it environmentally friendly. Thanks to the excellent airtightness of the fireplace insert, the modular fireplace can be used in homes with recuperation, which further promotes environmental protection.

The modular design allow quick and easy installation, without the need for additional finishing work. Minimalist design and high-quality materials make the fireplace not only a source of heat, but also a stylish decorative element of the interior.

We are confident in the quality of our appliances. By betting on our product you ensure peace of mind, trouble-free use and satisfaction with your purchase. Modular fireplace NBC 500/500 is an investment in warmth, comfort and elegance that will meet the expectations of even the most demanding users..



- the finished construction with quartz sinter panels guarantees an elegant and modern appearance of the fireplace,

- the three-sided glazing of the insert guaranteeing maximum vision of the fire,

- the decorative GLASS type glass with an aesthetic black décor gives the fireplace an elegant appearance,

- double system of opening the door upwards (Lift-up system) and to the side ensures versatility of use of the fireplace, allowing convenient loading of wood as well as easy cleaning of the glass,

- longer temperature maintenance thanks to the lining of the combustion chamber with TERMOTEC accumulation material,

- cast iron grate and steel ash pan,

- clean glass system to keep the glass clean,

- heat-resistant glass with temperature resistance up to 600°C,

- deepened combustion chamber to accommodate more wood and prevent ash from spilling into the room when refuelling,

- adjustable feet to compensate for uneven floors and level the fireplace,

- triple system of aeration of the combustion chamber contributes to high efficiency of the combustion process,

- built-in air intake via an external spigot with a diameter of fi 125,

- complies with the criteria of the ECODESIGN and the strict German norm BlmschV II,

- designed for houses with recuperation.

Általános információk
Termék sorozatNBC/500/500/Q/0
Anyagacél, Sinter kvarc
Self ClosureFalse
VersionThree-sided lift-up
SzínesFokos Grafite
Flue outlet diameter (mm)200
Door opening directionFel
Max length of logs (cm)40
Kipufogógáz hőmérséklet (oC)198
Heating efficiency (%)83
Fűtési teljesítmény tartomány (kW)3.5 - 10.0
Névleges teljesítmény (kW)8
CO-kibocsátás (13% O2 mellett) ≤ %-ban megadva0.09
Pollenkibocsátás (mg/m3)38
Térfűtési hőteljesítmény (kW)8
EEI együttható111.4
Tanúsítványok / Megfelelőség
Tanúsítványok / MegfelelésPro rácsok, Megfelel az Eco -projekció kritériumainak, Rekuperációra szánt, Bimschv 2 -nek való megfelelés
További információk
Front typeSteel front with painted glass
Tüzelőanyag típusaFájdott lombhullató fa (páratartalom ≤20%)
BerendezésekAz égési kamra betöltése, Dekoratív üvegüveg, Kályha elő, Légbeömlő
Fizikai paraméterek
Width (cm)67.3
Height (cm)177.7
Depth (cm)82.82

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    Garancia és visszáru


    All products on are brand new, free from physical and legal defects and have been legally launched on the Polish market. The manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty on the proper functioning of the fireplace stove from the moment of its purchase. Fireplace grates and seals are covered by a guarantee for a period of 1 year from the time of purchasing the fireplace stove. The guarantee does not cover: heat resistant ceramics. The use of the fireplace stove, method of installation to the chimney and operating conditions must be in accordance with the instruction manual.


    A Customer being a Consumer, who has concluded the Sales Contract may rescind thereof within a period of 14 days without giving any reasons. The time limits run for the rescission of the Sales Contract shall commence at the time of acquiring the Goods by the Customer or a third party of their choice, other, however, than a carrier. The representations may be submitted in a form whose template has been published by the Seller at the Online Shop Website.

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