Kamin od lijevanog željeza KRATKI ANTEK 10 kW fi 150

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Maksimalno iskorištenje topline zahvaljujući gusto postavljenim radijatorima i stjenci umetka od visokokvalitetnog lijevanog željeza debljine 8 mm.
Izgaranje čestica goriva zahvaljujući deflektoru koji produljuje put ispušnih plinova.
Povećana učinkovitost uloška kroz ručnu kontrolu propuha dimnjaka pomoću ugrađene zaklopke.
Ručna kontrola procesa izgaranja pomoću regulatora pepeljare.
Klasični prednji dio umetka opremljen je keramikom otpornom na toplinu koja može izdržati temperature do 660°C.
Ukrasna ograda pomaže u održavanju urednosti i štiti od ispadanja drva.
Sustav hladne ručke koji ograničava rizik od opeklina zbog mogućnosti uklanjanja tijekom gorenja.
Ladica za pepeo/pepeljara, gdje se skupljaju ostaci spaljenog drva i rešetka za lakše uklanjanje pepela.
Smanjeno taloženje čađe kroz sustav čistog stakla (zračna zavjesa).
Tehnički podaci

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Serija proizvoda | ANTEK/0 |
Samozatvaranje | False |
Boja | Crno |
Vrsta plina | G30/37MBAR |
Materijali | Lijevano željezo |
Zadovoljava zahtjeve | Ekološki dizajn |
Značajke dizajna | Pepeljara, Usis zraka - dodatna opcija |
EAN | 5901350038864 |
širina (cm) | 60 |
Visina (cm) | 62.2 |
Dubina (cm) | 33.4 |
Recenzije kupaca
I recently installed one of these, and I couldn't be more pleased with its performance.
The heat output is impressive, easily warming up our living space also, this inset model fits seamlessly, giving a sleek and modern look.
Another standout feature is the build quality. Kratki is known for its durable construction, and the Antek is no exception.
It’s reliable, powerful, and looks good.
Bought this from the UK, all transfers and shipping vent smooth.
Highly recommended !!
Jakość wykonania bardzo dobra. Solidny wkład. Nie mam porównania z innymi droższymi tej firmy ale ten jak najbardziej spełnia nasze oczekiwania. Polecam z czystym sumieniem....
Jan M.
Spełnianwszystkie moje oczekiwania. Opinia o Waszych produktach takich jak niezawodność, jakość i dostępność części po latach...
Bardzo ładny wkład kominkowy solidnie wykonany. Dobrze zabezpieczony do transportu
Jacek M.
Wklad kominkowy wykonany solidnie i dokładnie. Polecam
Jamstvo i povrati
All products on www.kratki.com are brand new, free from physical and legal defects and have been legally launched on the Polish market. The manufacturer gives a 5-year warranty on the proper functioning of the fireplace stove from the moment of its purchase. Fireplace grates and seals are covered by a guarantee for a period of 1 year from the time of purchasing the fireplace stove. The guarantee does not cover: heat resistant ceramics. The use of the fireplace stove, method of installation to the chimney, and operating conditions must be in accordance with the instruction manual.
A Customer being a Consumer, who has concluded the Sales Contract may rescind thereof within a period of 14 days without giving any reasons. The time limits run for the rescission of the Sales Contract shall commence at the time of acquiring the Goods by the Customer or a third party of their choice, other, however, than a carrier. The representations may be submitted in a form whose template has been published by the Seller at the Online Shop Website.